Since degradation of the ceiling was noticed, subsequent strengthening of the ceiling structure was implemented. To ensure the strengthening has stopped further movement, Gandy & Roberts undertook point cloud monitoring as a routine maintenance task. We conducted an initial scan to identify any existing deterioration and set a baseline for future scans. With our analysis software deviations on millimeter scale become emphasized.
Three months after the initial scan, we conducted a second scan which revealed a fall of ~5mm in the western half of the ceiling since the initial scan. This small deviation can be attributed to natural causes and didn’t indicate degradation of the ceiling structure withing the 3 months period.

Deviation Analysis - Comparing 2 Scans
Taken three months after the second scan, comparative analysis between the second and third scan showed a similar degree of fall in the opposite end of the ceiling. Taken at face value this would suggest a persistent fall throughout the span of the ceiling.

Deviation - Third Scan Update
Running a comparative analysis between the first and third scans displays a fall of ~5mm, concentrated on the western end. Despite seemingly contradicting the previous analysis, we were able to deduce that a distortion of roughly 5mm was introduced during the second scan from any combination of steam distortion, material swelling, or inherent variance in the LIDAR scanners. The degradation was judged to be inconsequential but continued monitoring allows the client to be confident and protected.

Deviation - Third Scan Total